Privilege of a lifetime

It is as though you step into another world. A world so complete and so rich in detail, that it appears as if you are in it. You are so immersed in it, and so mesmerized by its newfangled way of life, that you adore and relish every moment of it. It is like gliding like an adventurous cloud over a vast wonderland. No, I am not talking about the Aurthur Conan Doyle or about Tolkien. I’m taking about Joanne Kathleen Rowling’s world of magic. Yes, I’m talking about Harry Potter.

I was waiting for the release of the seventh book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for a long time.

Steadfast and resolute

Even for those who are genetically sensitive, those inclined towards a conservative view of themselves, there are times when the tides of life seem to hit especially hard. The past month and a half has been particularly tough and testing. Nothing seems to work, and no amount of hard work and diligence seems to fetch anything substantial. It is as though one is meandering through stagnant waters, where no matter how hard you row, you are at the end of it all, still meandering.

What I should have done differently, or how better I should have done things – I do not know.…

The Fellowship will continue

Today marks the day when we had our very last class in college. The last class in a long time span of four years. Attendance was taken for the last time, and it was the final moment when we all sat together as a class.
Yes, the time has come when the curtains draw down on one phase of our lives. The end of a glorious period of learning, of forging magnificent acquaintances, and of cementing bonds of fellowship that ought to last for a lifetime.
I have met so many wonderful people during these four years. I have seen talent, conviction and acts of friendship, things that stand as a testimony to the fact that there is a lot of good in this world.

The North Gate opens

This certainly has to be the most wonderful week that I have had in years. I made it to Yahoo! as an intern. A place of I had so yearned for. A place where I really wanted to be.
This means more than an internship – it means that basic values are always indispensible, that every ounce of hard work is rewarded, and that every fibre of faith is always held true.
I am about to enter a new and exciting world of opportunities and challenges. I want to do my best. And I want to have a ball!
I want to thank Ashwin for introducing me to freeBSD.

Live Life

It’s been an incredible past couple of weeks. Quite intriguing actually. It’s been a time of self-discovery, and of learning the bare truths about life. A realisation and an acceptance – that the worries of a man should be of no more importance to him than the scurrying of ants is to this universe.
I have learnt that life is precious, and life is unique. It is also a gift. To worry needlessly would amount to wasting it. The true meaning of life is when one studies not only for the sake of an examination, but to quench a thirst for knowledge.

Serenity and Bliss

I am back after my trip to Kukke Subhramanya, a magnificent sacred place nested whtin the picturesque hills of the Western Ghats. I was a little hesitant to visit it at first, but I lost my apprehensions once I reached the place.

I really enjoyed watching all the greenery that surrounds this truly unique place. My face and lungs, conditioned to breathing dirty air here in Bangalore, welcomed the atmosphere that bathes Kukke. I am convinced that it is delusion that we lead comfortable lives in our cities. Nothing could be more further from the truth. We live in concrete jungles, with little affection for greenery, and afflict our bodies to the mercy of all dreaful chemicals imaginable.…

The importance of Hope

Great thinkers have always vouched for it. Great leaders have used it to inspire generations. And all great revolutions are based on it. It is a force that exists in all of us, however oblivious we may be towards it. It is a sweet gift that all humans are blessed with. This is our ability to hope.
I have learnt a lot of things during the course of the last year. If there is one thing that I have gained from it, then it is the importance of hope in my life. The last year was in many ways an eye-opener for me, and I have come to realise the root causes of many of my problems, both personal and academic.

Enchanted by a Magical Spell

Characters come and go. There are so many in any novel, that sometimes it becomes difficult even to remember their names. Yet, there are some characters that are otherwise. They are not only admired and loved by their readers, but are also cherished and owned. Whether it was Arthur Conan Doyle or Tolkien, story tellers have always introduced us to individuals that capture the spirits of those that meet them, by reading. How an author can do it – magically bonding the readers with his or her characters is a mystery that no science can ever tell.

One such character that I have come to meet is Albus Dumbledore.

Happy b’day dear iPod

The classy iPod turned 5 today. Though I got my one of my own just a year back, I cannot but appreciate it every single time that I use it. The iPOD is a testimony to Apple’s creativity and ingenuity, things that are in short supply in their erstwhile competitors.

Not only is the iPOD so sleek and compact, its LCD display interface is crystal perfect. Never mind if I have to recharge the battery more frequently. The first time that I saw a image tag of a song in its entirity on the screen, I was stunned to see such clarity, and that too on such a small scale.…

Some of my favourite people

Don’t Get Lost In The Crowd

You are the one that keeps your dream alive

And you are the one who feels the rhythm deep inside

Do you ever wonder if you can make you fly?

But you will never know, if you don’t really try

There’s so many fast framesQuick cuts and a million stars

Can make you wonder

Can make you dream ahead from the start

When you know your heart and follow your own destiny

Don’t get lost in the crowd

Be the one to be strong and turn heads around

Even from dark to light

You are the spark

You have the fire

You are the heart

Now be a believer

Don’t get lost in the crowd –

– Ashley Ballard