The North Star Rises

sky2Amidst the backdrop of a clear and handsome sky is a magnificent sight. A sparkling constellation of stars lie strewn from end of the eye to the other. The arc of the sky is overwhelming, spherical and all encompassing. The stars glitter so beautifully with such effortless ease, as if to say that  all earthly matters are of tiny significance compared to the grand order of the cosmic race. A countless array of brilliance, covering the vastness of the nightly sky. Amongst this noble array rises a most spectacular star. A massive body of plasma, pulled together the gravity of all forces noble and pure.  It stands as a quiet and powerful symbol of change that is for the better. It stands for affirmation. It rises as the heralder of times that will be.

I sit under this night sky, my eyes fixed on the on the sheer grandeur of the sight above me. I try to think of a word to describe this sight, but it just eludes me. How is it, I ask myself, that a sight that is so simple be so powerful as to rob me of my lexicon?

I realize very quickly that I am a lucky soul – that whatever I am and whatever I will be, is because of those that have given it all. I realize that wherever I go, I meet people that are as good as the word itself. I also realize that hard work will never go unrewarded, and good things always come in full circles.The past few weeks have been nothing short of incredible.  I have met such remarkable people during this time, that is hard to describe in full measure how excited and happy I am.

The collective  nobility of people and hard work – of those that have been, those that are, and those that have not yet come to pass have conspired for goodness of what lies ahead. Opportunities galore and the resolve deepens. A guiding light emerges.

The North Star has risen.

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