Adventure and the bullies

There is probably no one who has not come across it. Either as a target or as a bystander, or even worse, as a perpetrator. What ruminations and lamentations could have taken place in the deep recesses of one’s thoughts at that time are unlikely to be forgotten easily. For some, such memories are nothing more than a mere bump. For others, such memories feel like feeble guilt. Yet for many, they are nothing less than a time fraught with anguish and pain. Whatever side of the equation one may fall under, there is no denying of the scarring nature of the problem and the detrimental repercussions that it has on society.…

Expectation Maximization

A chilly mass of air breezes against the face. Withered leaves, in colors of red, brown and yellow gather near the feet. The skies take the hue of teal blue, with a sparse scattering of clouds. Something musters in the air. A change. A transition. The coming of a new season, the making of a quiet, quantum jump. The magical phenomenon of metamorphosis – the development of that which is intricate from that which is next to nothing. The nurture of something organic, the crystallization of a set of ideas. Each day takes it a step further, and by so doing breathing into it new life.…

The Infinite Corridor

The Charles river, majestic and glistening, separates Boston from Cambridge. A magnificent and historic city that is the heart of New England on one side. A set of enigmatic and noble centers of learning on the other. Any lackadaisical soul who unwittingly takes a walk along this river is certain to be wonder-struck at the sparkling image that lies before him. A sight that conveys great character and elegance. Even the air has an inexplicable mix of intelligence and purpose,. And so rises a deep and cherubic belief in all that is possible, that is noble and in everything beautiful that looms on the horizon.…

The Primordial Slime and the new Adventure

In the midst of a crowded array of desires lies a most herculean task. Of assigning each of them with the right precedence. The undeniable fact that the world is quite to eager to readily rank these desires for you makes the task more difficult than it already is. The world is quite eager to frame the narrative. It is also more than willing to define the boundaries of what constitutes success and what is construed as failure – a form of totalitarianism that is easy to succumb to. Only by understanding that your choices should and must be a function of your upbringing, your values and your contributions to life can this task be met.…

Constructionism and the guiding compass

Throughout school, I remember being told repeatedly of the importance of reading newspapers and magazines. General knowledge , an awareness of the latest major world and national events and the ability to cultivate a curious mind that kept pace with all things novel and new were qualities whose importance was drilled deep into our heads. I was blessed to have a set of remarkable human beings who taught me at school. It is hard for me to even begin to contemplate where or what I would have been without my teachers. My dear, dear teachers, several of whom are in touch with me even today, remain everlasting symbols of everything that is pristine in my world.…

Proportion and the city

That persistence yields results that are strong and permanent is well known, and yet proven a thousand times over. Yet again. Three magnificent human beings that are my close friends will start the next phase of their lives in magical New York. Not only have they maneuvered through what seemed like a quagmire of diffidence, they have done it with uncommon grace. I cannot but be in admiration of their quiet sense of resolve and their unhindered capacity for hard work. Being a witness of this almost empirical proof has brought with it lessons of its own for me, and as fortunate as I feel to count them as my friends, I also feel a sense of gratitude.…

A new Renaissance

Underneath a clear star-strewn sky lies a most astonishing scene. A stretch of giant mountains, waiting in patience for what is about to happen. Unperturbed by the scarcity of light, they lie as quietly as the stillness of sound. Neither the harshness of the storms nor the bitterness of the biting cold seem to hold any sway over them. A gentle mist of clouds hover above them, in anticipation of the sight that will be.

What was a sight mired in the shadow of the night begins to dissipate as the first rays of light appear. A pencil of soft rays to an elegant beam – heralding a spectacular event.…

Framework of the Twin Pillars

A glance at the window shows a light snow shower outside.  A typicality of winter, a consequence of chilly air descending from the snow belt surrounding the great lakes. The festive season is in full gusto, candles and dishes, gifts and hugs. The warmth of people at this time contrasts starkly with the cold and the snow outside. It is this contrast that makes the warmth even more special. And it makes even the snow seemingly graceful.

It is a time to reflect on things that have been, that are, and those that have not yet come to pass. Even as the learning machine keeps pace with the multitude of experiences, there are some tenets that cannot change.…

Lessons from the field

It has been an eventful month and a half. Taxing, draining and testing. Perhaps there has been no other time when I have had to control so many pressing parameters of demands and desire. It is as though one is thrown into a rough sea and asked to surf a way to calmer waters, even if the fury of the waves tosses you frequently into the bitterly cold air. Yes, you cannot control extraneous factors beyond your command. The icy blast of the gusty winds and waves cannot be controlled. But perhaps you can fashion your reactions the right way, landing on both feet every time you are tossed and hurled.…

The Flower of the Sun

sunflower fieldI think it’s time for me to tell you something. I’ve been thinking about it a lot recently. It follows me everywhere I go. While I’m jogging. While listening to Howard Shore and Hans Zimmer. Even when I’m taking a warm shower or turning over in my bed. I sometimes can’t explain why it insists on following me, and why I can’t seem to stop it. All rationale simply eludes me, and I don’t know what name to call it. But one thing that I do know is that I feel good whenever I think about it. It hardly feels like an obsession, but it still occupies me so completely and so effortlessly.…