Much as there is to be explained and wondered about the cosmic chasm of forces that surpass all human action, faith never fails those who embrace it. It works in it’s own mystifying and magical ways, leading the hopeful towards a purpose that is well set. With every step comes the realization that this purpose is what must be fulfilled. And fulfilled it will certainly be.
I am so humbled and grateful that I am a student in Carnegie Mellon, one of the world’s most illustrious and profound centers of learning. I have come here because of those who have nourished and given me an upbringing that is second to none. My parents have given me everything and more I have ever asked for. To come here with the tools and resources that I need, tells me that I am a very privileged soul. It fills me with a sense of determination to make the most of my God-given potential, always mindful of who I am, where I come from and who sent me here. And this is how it will always be.
I intend to learn and to listen. I want to assimilate and to ordain. And I want to experience and relish. I look forward to exchanging as many ideas and perspectives that I can with all the brilliant minds that I meet with everyday.
Another step forward then, into that ineffable journey that I call my own, gleaming with an aspiration that must be accomplished. Pristine and resonant.
As the great American poet Ella Wheeler once said,
“There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.”
An auspicious Odyssey has commenced.